Discover How Small Incisions Can Have Big Benefits for Your Shoulder Injury. Get Shoulder Arthroscopy in Florida.

Shoulder Arthroscopy Pembroke Pines FLYour shoulder is one of your most mobile joints. Millions of people seek medical attention every year for shoulder pain. While most patients have minor shoulder issues, some may need more than rest and physical therapy to heal their shoulder pain.

Orthopedic medicine has benefited significantly from arthroscopic surgery over the past century. By using it, surgeons can avoid an invasive, open procedure by making a relatively small incision, just large enough for a tiny camera.

It’s a revolutionary innovation that lets doctors diagnose and treat soft tissue damage in your joints, especially shoulder arthroscopy. Discover the benefits of shoulder arthroscopy, available in our different Florida locations.

Getting a shoulder arthroscopy means you’ll get back to your routine faster! Compared to open surgery, arthroscopy often results in less pain, stiffness, and fewer complications.

What is Shoulder Arthroscopy?

A shoulder arthroscopy allows the diagnosis and treatment of various shoulder joint injuries, such as frozen shoulder and rotator cuff tears. This technique differs from traditional, open approaches to surgery.

What Happens During a Shoulder Arthroscopy?

A small incision, usually about half an inch in width, is made to reach the injured tendon instead of making a large incision. To get anatomical visuals of the injury and surrounding tissue, the surgeon inserts a thin camera called an arthroscope into one of the incisions.

In a case of a torn rotator cuff injury, surgical tools are inserted into the other incisions to repair damaged tissues and remove scar tissue and bone spurs, which can contribute to its painful symptoms. To repair the torn tendon, our team of doctors in Florida will also use plastic screws and sutures.

Benefits of Shoulder Arthroscopy

The small incision size is one of many advantages of shoulder arthroscopy over traditional open shoulder surgery.

Having a shoulder arthroscopy also means:

  • Less tissue damage
    Unlike traditional open surgery, shoulder arthroscopy requires only tiny incisions targeting the affected area. It avoids cutting muscles or tendons to access the affected area, meaning there’s less tissue damage possible.
  • Reduced pain
    There’s reduced pain during and after shoulder arthroscopy. The minimally invasive procedure only uses several small incisions rather than a large, open one. This means patients experience less pain during recovery.
  • Lower chances of an infection
    Minimally invasive procedures like shoulder arthroscopy only need a few small stitches. This means there’s a lower infection risk than with traditional open surgery.
  • Less blood loss
    Arthroscopy provides a technical guarantee for minimally invasive treatment of any injury. Since there is minimized surgical trauma on the shoulder, less bleeding is involved during the incision.
  • Faster recovery time
    Arthroscopic shoulder surgery recovery is generally quicker than open surgery since it’s a minimally invasive procedure. However, the shoulder joint may not heal entirely for several weeks. People tend to return to their activities more quickly. For athletes, it means they can begin rehab right away and return to the game sooner.

What to Do After a Shoulder Arthroscopy

Here are ways to make sure that you are healing well after your shoulder arthroscopy:

  • Apply a cold compress.
    Relieve inflammation and pain by using a cold pack. You can use a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a light cloth or buy an ice pack. During the first three to five days after your treatment, place the cold compress on your shoulder for about 20 minutes every few hours. Once you’ve passed this phase, you can use a heat pack or other heat device to relieve discomfort.
  • Take pain meds if needed.
    If the pain is unbearable, your doctor will probably prescribe pain medication. Treating the pain with medicine can make you feel more comfortable, which will help your shoulder surgery recovery go more smoothly. Pain medicine can reduce swelling and control pain. It’s also available in different forms, such as local anesthetics, opioids, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Aside from the pain, you may experience bruising, stiffness, and swelling of the hand or arm. As the shoulder heals, these symptoms are normal.
  • Avoid long hot showers after shoulder arthroscopy.
    The doctor may allow you to rinse the wound after removing your stitches, which usually occurs a week after surgery. You shouldn’t soak the incision site in water or take long showers. Make sure the wound is thoroughly dried after showering. Hot water can lead to inflammation.
  • Give your body the rest it needs.
    You may injure your shoulder when performing challenging exercises, activities, or sports that strain your shoulder. You may even damage your elbow or spine if you resume physical activity too soon, especially without your doctor’s advice. After six weeks, your doctor will decide if you can resume physical activities and return to work. Intensive movement or heavy strain could require extra physical therapy sessions.

Get Help With Your Shoulder Injury

Shoulder Arthroscopy Pembroke Pines FLIf you have any injury that requires a shoulder arthroscopy, it’s time to schedule an appointment at any of our locations here in Florida. Get the treatment you need with personalized treatment plans from our specialists in Florida.

All-Pro Orthopedics & Sports Medicine has various locations here in Florida. We don’t just treat athletes; we also treat patients with non-sports-related injuries. We specialize in orthopedic surgery, the treatment of musculoskeletal issues, and sports injuries.

Call us at (954) 322-1110to learn more about our procedures and other services.