For many aging athletes and older adults, the rhetoric around getting older is that pain is a part of life. As one of the premier Pembroke Pines orthopedic surgeons, we know that that’s simply not the case.

The Game Has Changed For Joint Pain Treatments

stem cell therapy for knee jointIt’s time to take a step back and reexamine the state of modern sports medicine.

One of the most potent examples of how far we’ve come can be found in two NFL running backs whose careers both took drastically different turns following similar knee injuries 41 years apart.

  • Gale Sayers of the Chicago Bears sustained a torn ligament in his knee in 1970 and after multiple surgeries was never able to achieve his Hall of Fame form and soon retired in 1972.
  • Adrian Peterson of the Minnesota Vikings sustained multiple ligament tears in his knee in 2011 and the very next year accumulated the second most rushing yards in a single season in NFL history with 2,097 yards in the best season of his career.

Through the advancements in sports medicine and orthopedic surgery, we now have the ability to regenerate and restore joint tissue to treat catastrophic knee injuries. So why let simple joint pain hold you back?

Is Joint Pain Impacting Your Quality Of Life?

As an athlete, it’s one thing to deal with sore muscles following a game or a workout. That’s just part of building stronger and more resilient muscle fibers. However, joint pain isn’t productive. Anytime you place sustained and/or repetitive strain on joints, it can wear down joint tissues and lead to inflammation, or worse, arthritis.
Being careful with your workouts and eating a healthy diet, devoid of too many inflammatory foods like red meats and dairy products, will help sustain healthy joint function. There are still professional athletes that play the game long enough to the point where joint pain is nearly inevitable.
We know that you wouldn’t have it any other way but being a legend in your sport doesn’t have to impact your Life After.

Are You Ready To Make A Life-Changing Decision?

The decisions you make during and after your playing career will have a lasting impact on your overall health and wellbeing.
Left untreated, a career in contact sports can leave a recently retired 30 year old athlete with the joints of an 80 year old.
Even if the impact of your playing days doesn’t catch up with you until your 40s, 50s or even 60s, you and your loved ones deserve a healthy and functional father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, etc.
You wouldn’t settle for less than peak physical performance during your career, don’t settle afterwards. LIVEYON REGEN® series is the leading edge in stem cell treatments.

How Stem Cells Treat Severe Joint Pain

Whether you’re retired or chasing a dream of the big leagues, back, shoulder, elbow and knee pain can keep you from the activities you love. Introducing stem cells into your ailing joints can reclaim your mobility and keep you in the game.

How Stem Cells Work

Stem cells are unique in that they are the only cells in our bodies that are unspecialized AND the only cells that have the ability to become specialized. From a medical standpoint, this means that when stem cells are introduced into an injured part of the body, the stem cells will take on the necessary cell form to create balance and promote optimal health.
Focusing on joint health specifically, the diminishing tissue that causes the painful inflammation can be restored with regenerative medicine like stem cells. Introducing stem cells into worn down joints, will regenerate joint tissue and promote strong, fluid and pain-free movement. LIVEYON REGEN® treatments require no downtime and no recovery. As the newly introduced stem cells settle in and take form, the joint health will progress for a few weeks and provide peak benefits between 10 and 12 weeks after the treatment.
Find out what the future of joint pain treatments can do for you. Call All-Pro Orthopedics & Sports Medicine @ (954) 322-1110 to eliminate pain from your game plan.

Common Questions about Stem Cell Therapy for Joints

What is stem cell therapy for joints?

The body’s repair mechanism relies heavily on stem cells. The primary function of stem cells is to maintain and initiate tissue healing and replenish dying or damaged cells.

We can treat many musculoskeletal conditions with stem cell therapy, including those caused by sports injuries and overuse. It is an innovative, minimally invasive treatment that falls under the growing field of regenerative medicine. Our specialists in Florida utilize stem cell therapy for the joints.

What can stem cells do?

Stem cells are unique in that they are the only unspecialized cell in our body and the only cell capable of becoming specialized. This means that stem cells introduced into an injured part of the body will take on the new cell form necessary to restore balance and promote health.

Our specialists in Florida can use stem cell therapy for joints for conditions such as osteoarthritis, chronic partial rotator cuff tears, partial tendon tears, muscular tears, sacroiliac joint pain, and knee tears.

How does stem cell therapy for joints work?

Stem cells can be used to restore joint health, specifically by repairing the diminishing tissue that causes painful inflammation. Stem cells can be injected into injured joints, such as knees, shoulders, and elbows, to speed up the healing process.

Osteoarthritis is believed to be treated by stem cells that develop into cartilage cells and release proteins that reduce pain and slow cartilage degradation.

We offer stem cell therapy for joints in our Florida locations with no downtime or recovery period. Regenerating joint tissue through stem cell injections will promote strong, fluid, and pain-free movement.

Following the introduction of the stem cells, joint health will progress for a few weeks and peak between 10 and 12 weeks after treatment.

Who will benefit from stem cell therapy for joints?

Anyone with joint injuries can benefit from stem cell therapy for joints.

Stem cell therapy for joints in Florida is a regenerative medicine approach to treating musculoskeletal injuries. Stem cells may develop into cells specific for connective tissue, allowing faster healing of ligament and tendon injuries.

Our specialists in Florida can use stem cell therapy for joints for conditions such as osteoarthritis, chronic partial rotator cuff tears, partial tendon tears, muscular tears, sacroiliac joint pain, and knee tears.

From where are stem cells taken for treatment?

Stem cells harvested from the patient’s bone marrow can be used to treat back, knee, shoulder, and joint pain.

Obtaining stem cells from the hip bone (iliac bone) can be performed within minutes and is generally painless for the patient.

Is stem cell therapy for joints safe?

In general, stem cell therapy for joints is a very safe treatment. However, in some cases, side effects and risks may occur.

The most common side effect is an infection at the injection site, although it is very rare. It is also possible to suffer nerve damage and bleed on rare occasions.

Our specialists from our Florida locations are trained in performing stem cell therapy for various non-sports-related and sports-related injuries. We can avoid these side effects.

How long can I see the results from stem cell therapy for joints?

Every patient responds differently to stem cell treatment, as with any procedure.

In some cases, patients report feeling better within a few days. In most cases, they are back to full physical activity within four to six weeks.