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Options for Effectively Treating a Painful Bone Spur

When a Bone Spur Feels Like a Dagger The most common cause of bone spurs results from the body adding new bone near the site of damage from osteoarthritis. Bone spurs are one of our body’s clumsy ways of showing support. You’re getting older. (Who isn’t?) You have osteoarthritis. You have thinning cartilage, joints that don’t …

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When’s the Right Time For Hip Replacement or Surgery?

When’s the Right Time For Hip Replacement or Surgery?

One question we hear frequently in the orthopedic clinic concerns the timing of hip replacement surgery. The answer is simple— and complicated— because it depends on the individual. There is no absolute age limit for hip replacement. While we are now performing surgery on many older patients, the procedure is also appropriate for younger patients …

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