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sports injuries

How To Recover From A Broken Fibula

How to Prevent Sports Injuries in Young Athletes

Doctors who study sports injuries in young athletes are concerned about our seeming unconcern. Kids get hurt, right? It’s been part of the get-tough attitude that Americans have adopted since the first teams took the field. Now experts, parents, and coaches (and maybe even a few kids) are wondering how much of an epidemic is …

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PRP: Performance Recovery for Patients

PRP Therapy Can Help Your Recovery In this case, Howard was willing to share the glory with PRP therapy, the same technique that was used to good effect on Kobe Bryant and athletes in other sports, such as Tiger Woods, Alex Rodriguez and Hines Ward for sports-related injuries. While PRP has been employed for years …

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athlete training tips

Training Tips for the Serious or Casual Athlete

Questions about fitness training pop up almost every day in our clinic. Patients need to know: Are they training too hard? Too little? How do they find their limits? And— most urgently— how soon and how hard can they resume training after an injury? Like all good questions, there is one reliable answer: That depends. …

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Sports Injuries in Youth Rising in U.S.

What We See at the Sports Clinic: Most Common Sports Injuries

Training is important; so is recognizing sports injuries Athletes are tough cookies. Even supposedly gentle and graceful sports such as swimming or ballet require a commitment and endurance that test a person’s mettle. So it’s natural that these same people will sometimes try to shrug off a sports injury — until it sidelines them. Then they appear …

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